I don’t know what I went to today. It was kind of a community christmas song evening. Except that it wasn’t. It was in a huge hall and there was a choir of about 50 and an audience of about 700 people.
There were 5 musicians, but not quite the standard affair – 2 pianos, one guitar, some drums and a guy playing the bongos.
It was mostly targetted at an older group – playing songs from the Beatles, Diana Ross, Cliff Richard etc. The epitome of this was 5 guys perfoming a song who they said that their combined age was 400 years!
But then suddenly it wasn’t like that, and a group of 18 year a olds appeared and did hip-hop to a backing track, with the occasional bit of rapping.
And then we were back to the older generation – singing some christmas songs. Some old some new. Some good, some bad, some terrible!
There was also a bit of audience participation, so we got to blast out ‘Hark the Herald’ and other classics.
I used to go to this kind of thing and feel sad that I wasn’t involved. But thanks to the stream and all you guys that come, I get to perform for you 3-4 times a week and I really treasure that.
But the moment of the night was when a random 70+ year old guy appeared and did his solo – Country Roads. I really hope he did it for the memes.
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