Many apologies but this is another one where I’m moaning. But I promise this one is super relatable and it does have a happy ending.
So we decided that for Christmas we would get a new TV for the living room as the old one is dying. And we’ve been really happy with having a cheap home cinema projector up to now, so we thought we’d take advantage of Black Friday sales and get a better model.
I found a good one online and I found it discounted by about £500 by buying from a place in Germany, that also has a UK front end. It would get delivered as quickly as Amazon, but thats fine – it’s for Christmas anyway – so there was plenty of time for them to lose it in transit, break it, play tennis with it etc.
A couple of days went by after I ordered it and there was no information – no handy ‘we are preparing your order’ – nothing. I wondered if I’d wasted a whole load of money. So I decided to email them and I got a reply saying they’d had a busy weekend and they would try and send it out tomorrow.
And then another day went by and they said they’d send it out the next day. Which they did.
But it was on a slow shipping, so it said it wouldn’t come until the 7th. I checked the shipping information every 5 minutes, beaucse that’s a surefire way to speed things up, but it never changed.
And then finally this morning, the 6th, it did is said it would be out for delivery today. Hurrah! And then it even gave a time, saying that it would be delivered between 12:50 and 14:50.
One of the nice things about working from home, is that Mrs Rad and I get to spend a bit more time together. And sometimes we can go out for lunch and talk about life. And also give pret a manger £20 for a couple of salad leaves with yellow dressing. And that’s what we did today, being very careful to make sure that we were back by 12:50 for the parcel.
So you can guess the next bit. Got back home to check when the parcel was going to arrive and I had a message on my phone saying that they had tried to deliver it at 12:40!
Fortunately, or maybe unfortunately, they decided that instead of taking it back to the depot, they would deliver it to a petrol station.
Now this was a heavy package and quite large, so I had to go and collect it with an Ikea trolley. Fortunately it all went well from here. They took a photograph of my passport and gave me the package, and I dragged it over a mile home in the freezing temperatures and now it is set up in my house.