Do you ever feel like you don’t get much done in a day? Well today wasn’t one of those – it was three days in a day.
I got up at 7:30am to do parkrun, in fact maybe earlier. I got myself ready and went out. However, It’s always complicated getting ready for the parkrun stream because so much equipment is require and I usually forget something. This morning it was my watch. But I didn’t realise until too late that I would need it. Anyway I went out on the bike, fortunately it was not too cold this morning, so I was able to ride my bnike in shorts and sit outside McDonalds and talk to chat. The reason for getting up so earli, of course, is so that we can get to parkrun by 9am. It was good conditions for running and I felt I did really well, I took an nice pace and I didn’t feel like I overstretched myself. With over 100 5k runs now under my belt I was hoping for a good time. Unfortunately that didn’t come, and I think that was probably because I forgot my watch and couldn’t pace myself. Anyway I trundled back home again via mcdonalds so that I could bring back some food for the family.
Day 2 started at home at 10am. I wanted to laze about the house for a while, and maybe get some sleep, but they turned our water on for a couple of hours this morning (remember this whole saga?) so I had to set to with the jobs. Firstly a quick shower and then to get all the washing into the machine on the super short 15-minute cycle so I can get the stuff out before the water goes off. In theory I also do a Dishwasher load, again on the short cycle, but there wasn’t time before the water broke again. Hopefully this will all be fixed soon. It was supposed to be fixed ‘by the end of the week’ but that has happened, so fingers crossed.
And then finally the third ‘day’ of my day. We went some friend house, that we have known since university – so nearly 30 years. The live in Alvechurch with is about 30 minutes from here on the train. We played some fun board games – one about a pickle and another one about moving magnets about. We also had delicious pizza and some white chocolate that was made to look like it was Camembert. A bizarre experience.
So all in all a nice long day. This is just a record of it.